Sets of cards can only be beaten by equal number sets of higher rank. You can beat a single card with another single card of higher rank. Other players may pass or play by beating the previous hand before them. The first player starts the game by playing a single card or a set of cards of equal value (two aces, for example). Super scum (also called butt scum) – This is also last place, however, only used in games with 7 or more players. This is only used in games with 6 or fewer people. Scum (or other names, commonly asshole or bitch) – Player who came in last place in the previous round. (For example, in a six-person game, vice-scum is whoever came in fifth.) Negative one point. Vice-scum (or other names) – Player who came in next-to-last place. Lower neutral – Player who came in fourth place, this title is only used with 6+ players. If the game has 7 players, this title is used between upper and lower neutral. Neutral – Also the player who came in third place, however, this applies only when there are 5 players. Upper neutral – Player who came in third place, only used in games with 6+ players. Vice-president (“VP”) – Player who came in second place in the previous round (regardless of the number of players). If scoring, this position receives two points. President – Player who won the previous round (regardless of the number of players). President is also known as: Scum, Asshole (Arsehole), Landlord, Butthead, Root Beer, Warlords and Scumbags (Australia), Capitalism, Trou du Cul (France), Einer ist immer der Arsch (Germany), and Hűbéres (Hungary). Due to the nature of the game, its origins are believed to be traceable back to China. Games such as President, which is considered a ‘climbing game,’ where to object is to shed as many cards as you possibly can, are relatively new to the West (gaining popularity in the 1970s). Some players may have more cards than others. All the cards are dealt out as equally as possible. THE DEAL: The player who is the president (or the scum in some versions) both shuffles and deals out the cards. RANK OF CARDS: 2 (Highest) A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 The last player with cards in their hands is the ‘scum,’ ‘asshole,’ etc. OBJECTIVE OF PRESIDENT: To play all of your cards as soon as possible.